Archivo de la etiqueta: Vídeo

El vídeo o video o vídèó es la tecnología de la adaptación, grabación, procesamiento, almacenamiento, transmisión de imagen y reconstrucción por medios audiovisuales

La otra cara de las videoconferencias en la empresa [Vídeo]

See on Scoop.itEmprendimiento sostenible e innovación

Las videoconferencias se han erigido en una fórmula interesante para abordar las reuniones a distancia en equipos. Sin embargo, como ocurre en…
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Videos’ Contribution to Content Marketing

Content marketing is evolving on a regular basis, just like many other aspects of business. With that in mind, it is important to understand that there are several aspects of strategic content marketing that will drive your process to success (or greater success). They are:

Key buyers: It is important to realize that key buyers (consumers who are driven by the need for particular products and/or services) are being swayed in some way by videos more and more often.

Marketer feedback: As time goes on, marketers have a greater and greater need to gather as much feedback as they possibly can.

Return on Investment: ROI is increasing and has been since the onset of social media and other online tools that are now making a profound difference in the success of many different businesses.

The influences that videos have on buyers

The ultimate goal for any business (this is a principle that has always been true and will be true until the end of time) is to sell that business’s products and/or services. Knowing this, it becomes abundantly clear that the buyer is really the most important person in the formula for success of any particular business. Any marketer worth anything understands that principle and should be driven by that concept. It is the marketer’s responsibility to provide valuable content to the buyer and to engage and entice the buyers in the most profound, effective manner possible. In order for the marketer to succeed at that, that person must consistently work at keeping the buyer engaged and intrigued. This will no doubt require some effort on the part of the marketer, including keeping on top of research to determine what the wants and needs of the buyer all. It is also important to understand that those wants and needs will (or at least, may) change over time. The more you can engage other people, the more effective you will be.

It is important to try to come up with new ways to engage the buyers and videos can help you to do that successfully. Videos are a rich source of valuable information for may business people with all sizes and all types of businesses.


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